Buy a lotus root from a specialty store and plant it around the middle of March. A small pond would be ideal for it, but it is OK to plant it in a washbowl-sized plastic bowl.
Mix red clay and water until it becomes sticky, and put five or six lumps of organic fertilizer on the margin of the container bottom, then fill about half of the bowl with red clay.
Plant the root at a depth of 2 to 3㎝ Avoid breaking the underground stem; new buds are extremely soft, so great attention must be given when planting them.
After planting it, pour water until the bowl is full. Pour new water into it repeatedly until it becomes clean. Although the lotus usually grows well in dirty water, the water should not be turbid in the early period of planting.
A leaf will start to emerge after about two weeks, and you can observe several leaves one month after planting.
After a month and a half, some leaves will start to soar upward, above the water's surface. From this time, its growth will be extremely quick. After about two months you can see a beautiful lotus.