Watering is extremely important when growing herbs. When the surface is completely dry (up to 5mm deep), add plenty of water. Water once and then add plenty of water again after it dries. To check the dryness of the soil surface, dry some soil separately, remember the color of the dried soil, and then water the plant when the color appears.
The number of watering may vary depending on where herbs are put in place. For example, when the herbs are in dried, a lot of sunlight, or high temperature area, or the number and the width of herb's leaves are large, the herbs get dried easily. Accordingly water as often as possible.
Otherwise, make sure not to water when the herbs are still moisturized. If watering the wet herbs continuously, their roots may be rotten faster.
Wilting refers to a symptom which a plant has been no longer watered and dried, and then its metabolism falls down drastically. Once the plant is contracted with wilting, deems to die even after watering. The flowerpot is dried up to the half, and then the bottom completely; the leaves of the herb become withered, which is called a wilting condition. If being in this condition, the herb cannot be restored to vitality by watering.
However, note that the herb is able to be revived when the leaves of it start withering (before entering the wilting condition). Water once or twice every one or two month, then the herb becomes healthier in its tissue, slowly growing. If the herb is not watered in the period, it would be contracted with the wilting. So make sure not to pass the period without watering.
Herbs must be exposed to light to grow. Health and scent of herbs depend on how much, when, or how long they are lighted. Morning sunlights benefit the herbs: put them in the area where well lighted in the morning to make them grow healthy and strong against any disease.
Like this, air ventilation is also crucial to plants. When the surface of leaves are smoothly supplied with air with deep carbod dioxide, it is able to better utilize the carbon dioxide, and less leaves become brown and stronger against any disease. Accordingly, proper ventilation is one of key factors which make herbs or plants grow healthy.