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Alternate and rounded, divided 5-9 parts, lobes ovate and apex cuspidate, base cordate, sursface glabrous and margins have teeth
Umbel, monoecious
Like deep and fertile place
Japan, China , Korea(Widely distributed across country)
Prickly castor oil tree
Deciduous broadleaf tree
Yellowish green
Drupe, almost rounded, bluish black
Semicircular, flat
Fresh young leaves used for edivle. Planting for ornamental and woods used for furniture, craft, instrument etc. Barks used for medicine(rheumatic muscle paralysis, myalgia, arthritis etc.)
Grayish brown, divided irregular and vertically
Have many prickles, young branches drop when old
2007-10-07 / / 안동대학교 식물표본관
2008-07-05 / / 안동대학교 식물표본관