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Caespitose at nodes, thick and obovate, ovate or elliptic, apex obtuse and base acute,
Bisexual flowers, raceme
Sunny foot of a mountain
Gyeonggi-do, Norh Gangwon-do
Korean barberry
Deciduous broadleaf shrub
Berry, globose or ovate orbicular, glossy and ripen with red coloured
Planting for ornamental. Stems used for craft. Young fresh leaves used for edible. Roots and branches, leaves used for medicine(acute enteritis, dysentery, jaundice etc.)
Korea endemic species
Branching many, twigs have groove, have 1-3 sharp prickles each nodes, second year branches red or dark brown
2000-05-31 / / 아주대 생물학과
2000-05-31 / / 아주대 생물학과
식나무깍지벌레 - Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli (Cooely, 1897)