How to make the KPNI
How to make the KPNI
Korean Plant Names Index Guideline
- 01
- The Korean Plant Names Index includes scientific names and Korean names.
- 02
- To arrange scientific names, first select one correct name for each taxon and list synonyms
for the taxon.
- 03
- In case of scientific names, list all names even below species level (infraspecific names)
published in the literature. Names should be based on those being published now with
references arranged by date.
- 04
- For synonyms, the most important references and literature should be cited
(for example: the literature which has the latest monographic study of the subjects
taxonomic group will be cited).
- 05
- For each scientific name, only original or published literatures should be referred to
- 06
- Transcribe the author names of scientific name according to the Draft Index of Author
Abbreviations (Royal Botanical Garden Kew, 1980) or Authors of Plant Names
(Royal Botanic Garden Kew, 1992); the full name is used when the name is not listed.
- 07
In the case of Korean names, arrange and list all the published Korean names up to now
and refer to the sources. Among these names select the one name that is thought to be
appropriate and recommend it to the committee. All contributions regarding Korean names
to the database are recorded individually and held until committee can approve or reject
- 08
- To approve Korean names, a recommended name will be selected based upon these names
that have been widely used rather than priority. Thus, we refer to the frequencies of
usage in the Illustrated Flora of Korea (Tchang Bok Lee, 1980), Lineamenta Florae Koreae
(Woo Chul Lee, 1996) and Flora of Korea (Yong No Lee, 1999). The recommended Korean
names should be written according to the rules of Korean orthography.
- 09
- If scientific names (legitimate names) are erroneously recognized and have been used,
and need to be corrected among several existing Korean names, the proper Korean names
will be selected mainly based on popularity to the general public.
- 10
- The sources and references for Korean names are cited in Korean. In addition, the full
name will be used for Korean authors.
- 11
- In the case of Korean names, the Collection of Common Names in Chosun Plants
[Tae Hyun Jung, Bong Sup Do, Duk Bong Lee, Hui Jae Lee. 1937.
(The Society of Chosun Natural History)] is the earliest publication which can be referred;
the materials published earlier than this book should not be cited.
- 13
- Do not use the word namu (tree) for Korean names when the plant name has more than
five syllables.
Korean Plant Names Index Guideline
- 01
- The names are listed according to the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated
Plants = ICNCP).
- 02
- The first letter of the Variety name (Cultivar epithet) should be written in a capital letter.
After a hyphen (-) a lower case letter should be used. In the case of a combination of
several words, each of the first letters should be written in a capital letter.
For example) ` Crocus chrysanthus 'Eye-catcher' a Narcissus 'At Dawning'
- 03
- A single quotation mark is used for Variety names; do not use cv. and var. abbreviations.
For example) ` Pinus sylvestris Repens a Pinus sylvestris cv. Repens
- 04
- Every name must contain max 10 syllables or 30 letters.
- 05
- For scientific names of orchid plants, choose the Grex name or Fancy name.
- 06
- Sort orchid plants according to the Handbook on Orchid Nomenclature and Registration.
- 07
- In the case of orchid plants, when a special clone needs to be added, a single quotation
mark will be used.
- 08
- The priority (taking first) will be considered for Korean names of cultivated plants but the
plant name that is widely used at present will be chosen by referring to the
index of the Korean Society for Horticultural Science.
- 09
- Even though the plant is the Cultivar Variety, when its general Korean name is widely
this name will be recognized; otherwise the title of the Cultivar epithet will be used as
Korean name with
For example) Hwang-geum-pyeon-baek : Chamaecyparis obtuse 'Nana Aurea'
Cheuk-baek-na-mu 'Emerald Green' : Thuja occidentalis 'Emerald Green'
- 10
- In a case where the Cultivar Variety name is given to the taxonomic group that is
distributed in Korea, the original species will be based on the Korean Plant Name Index and
the following Variety name will be written in Korean.
For example) ` Kko-ri-mal-bal-do-ri Nikko' : Deutzia paniculata 'Nikko'
a Hyang-na-mu Old Gold: Juniperus 'Old Gold'
- 11
- If the Korean generic name does not exist, the scientific name will be used as spelled
in Korean or the name of similar areas taxonomy group will be used.
- 12
- The Latin for a Korean variety name will refer to the illustrated dictionary of Romanization
of Korean, which was prepared by the National Academy of Korean Language at the
Ministry of Culture and Tourism in 2000. However, this applies only to the newly added
Variety names. If there is an existing name, it will continue to be used.