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* The illustrated mammal book is limited to the mammal information secured in the Korea National Arboretum service, and we are planning to expand the information.
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매사촌 두견이과
Cuculus hyperythrus Gould, 1856
멋쟁이새 되새과
Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Linnaeus, 1758)
메추라기 꿩과
Coturnix japonica Temminck & Schlegel, 1849
멧도요 도요새과
Scolopax rusticola Linnaeus, 1758
멧비둘기 비둘기과
Streptopelia orientalis
멧새 멧새과
Emberiza cioides Brandt, 1843
멧종다리 바위종다리과
Prunella montanella (pallas, 1776)
물까마귀 물까마귀과
Cinclus pallasii Temminck, 1820
물까치 까마귀과
Cyanopica cyanus (Pallas, 1776)
물닭 뜸부기과
Fulica atra Linnaeus, 1758